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15 Benefits Of L-Arginine, Dosage, And Side Effects

The benefits of L-arginine may persuade you to include it in your diet. Arginine is the building block for synthesizing protein in the body. However, the body does not produce enough arginine to meet metabolic requirements in certain health conditions. Therefore, these patients may benefit from supplemental arginine.

There are many health benefits associated with this vital amino acid. Aside from lowering high blood pressure, healing wounds, boosting the immune system, and treating heart disease, it may also reduce inflammation in the digestive system. This article discusses the benefits of L-arginine, its recommended dosage, and any potential side effects. Keep reading.

In This Article

What Is L-arginine?

L-Arginine (2-amino-5-guanidino-pentanoic acid) is a conditionally essential and proteinogenic amino acid. It has been studied extensively as a precursorXA substance or cellular component that precedes another of its own kind or from which another is formed. of nitric oxide (a compound that relaxes blood vessels in humans). An individual’s body naturally produces l-arginine though there are cases where it is supplemented. People who are under certain medications are prescribed this amino acid in the form of oral medication.

Stylecraze Trivia Arginine was first isolated from yellow lupin seedlings. Its name is derived from the Greek word ‘árgyros,’ meaning silver, a reference to its silver-white appearance.

In the following section, we will explore the benefits of l-arginine.

What Are The Benefits Of L Arginine?

1. May Help Treat Heart Disease

In a study, long-term oral administration of l-arginine for 6 months improved the symptoms of non-obstructive coronary artery disease (1). L-arginine helps in the treatment of coronary abnormalities caused by high blood cholesterol levels (2). L-arginine enhances blood flow in coronary arteries. This may help in treating various cardiovascular conditions.
L-arginine is the precursor of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide plays a role in various physiological effects in the cardiovascular system. The oral administration of l-arginine could improve symptoms of cardiovascular disease (3). Dietary supplementation of l-arginine, along with regular physical exercise, was also found to benefit patients with chronic heart failure (4). L-arginine has anti-inflammatory and metabolic properties that help treat non-diabetic patients with cardiovascular disease (5).

2. May Reduce High Blood Pressure


Oral administration of l-arginine could significantly lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels (6). External l-arginine had also rapidly reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels in both healthy humans and patients with hypertension (7). In one study, l-arginine supplemented at 4 grams per day could significantly lower blood pressure in women with gestational hypertension. The supplement also reduced the need for an antihypertensive therapy (8), (9). L-arginine supplementation in pregnant women with chronic hypertension could reduce their blood pressure levels. The supplement could also offer protection in high-risk pregnancy (10).

3. May Ease Inflammation Of The Digestive Tract In Premature Infants

L-arginine may ease the inflammation of the digestive tract in premature infants. In a study, dietary supplementation of l-arginine enhanced the intestinal growth and eased inflammation in weanling piglets (11). Similar outcomes could be expected in human babies too, though more research is warranted.

In another study, plasma l-arginine concentrations were lower in premature infants diagnosed with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). NEC is a disease that destroys intestinal walls in premature infants (12). L-arginine supplementation was found to reduce the incidence of all stages of NEC (13), (14).

4. May Treat Gastrointestinal Tract Problems

Mice studies reveal that l-arginine can improve colonic motility. It also has the potential to alleviate GI discomfort (15). However, more long-term research is needed to understand this effect of l-arginine in humans.

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5. May Help Prevent Diabetes And Related Complications


L-arginine may help prevent diabetes and related complications. Diabetes is associated with reduced plasma levels of arginine. Evidence suggests that l-arginine supplementation may be an effective way to improve endothelial function in individuals with diabetes mellitus. L-arginine may also counteract cell damage and reduce the long-term complications of type 2 diabetes. It also improves insulin sensitivity (16).

L-arginine supplementation was also found to reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus (17).

L-arginine-enriched biscuits with low sugar and protein content were found to enhance endothelial function and improve glucose metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and insulin secretion (18).

Related: Easy Ways To Lower Blood Sugar Naturally And Safely

6. May Boost Immune Health

L-arginine may boost immune health by stimulating lymphocytes (white blood cells) (19). Intracellular l-arginine levels directly impact the metabolic fitness and survival capacity of T cells (a type of white blood cell) that are crucial for anti-tumor responses (20).

L-arginine is an essential amino acid that is fundamental for the function of T lymphocytes (T-cells). Patients with cancer usually have an impaired T‐cell response that can decrease the potential therapeutic benefit of cancer vaccines and other forms of immunotherapy. L-arginine may regulate T-cell function in the case of chronic inflammatory diseases and cancer (21).

L-arginine metabolism plays a major role in autoimmune and neoplastic (tumor-related) diseases (22).

L-arginine supplementation inhibits the growth of breast cancer by enhancing innate and adaptive immune responses (23).

In one randomized clinical trial involving 63 participants with pulmonary tuberculosis, L-arginine supplementation showed reduced symptoms (24).

7. May Help Treat Erectile Dysfunction

L-arginine may help treat sexual dysfunction. Arginine is required for normal spermatogenesisXThe process by which sperm cells are formed from existing germ cells within male reproductive organs. . Oral administration of 500 mg of arginine–HCl per day to infertile men for 6–8 weeks markedly increased their sperm counts (16).

Oral administration of l-arginine in high doses lead to significant improvement in sexual function (25).

Long-term oral administration of pharmacological doses of l-arginine was found to improve erectile responses in an aging rat (26).

8. May Improve Blood Flow

L-arginine infusion was found to promote regional cerebral blood flow in hypertensive rats (27). It also could improve vasodilation (dilation of blood vessels that reduces blood pressure) in hypercholesterolemic (high levels of cholesterol in blood) humans (28).

L-arginine infusion in healthy subjects could inhibit platelet aggregation and blood viscosityX A measure of a liquid’s resistance to deformity; informally, the thickness of a liquid substance. and also promoted leg blood flow (29). L-arginine administration in rats could also improve post-traumatic cerebral blood flow (30).

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9. May Aid Weight Loss

L-arginine has been proven to stimulate fat metabolism. This may help in weight loss. The amino acid alters the balance of energy intake and expenditure in favor of fat loss (31). It also regulates brown adipose tissue and reduces the accumulation of white fat in the body (32).

However, more long-term research is needed to understand this benefit of l-arginine in humans.

10. May Heal Wounds

Dietary l-arginine has been shown to improve collagen deposition and wound healing in both humans and animals. L-arginine may improve wound immune cell function by decreasing the inflammatory response at the wound site (16).

11. May Treat Anxiety


L-arginine is said to possess anti-stress and adaptogenicXA term used to describe natural substances that have a calming effect on animal and human physiology. properties that help treat anxiety (33).

Dietary supplementation of a combination of l-lysine and l-arginine (two essential amino acids) may reduce the hormonal stress responses in humans with anxiety. However, concrete research is lacking in this area.

12. May Treat Burns

L-arginine administration during burn injuries was found to boost cardiac performance. It also could prevent bacterial translocation (34).

L-arginine supplementation during the early stage of burns was found to help with the resuscitation of the burn shock (35).

Oral dietary l-arginine supplementation of 100–400 mg/kg/day could accelerate the synthesis of reparative collagen in burned rats (16).

13. May Improve Kidney Function In People With Congestive Heart Failure

Nitric oxide deficiency contributes to cardiovascular events and the progression of kidney damage. Low plasma levels of l-arginine is one of the major causes of nitric oxide deficiency. Supplementation of l-arginine was found to improve kidney function (36).

Oral administration of l-arginine also had beneficial effects in renal function in patients with congestive heart failure (37).

In another study, a moderate increase in l-arginine supplementation significantly lowered blood pressure. It also had improved renal function in healthy individuals (38).

Further studies are warranted to understand this benefit.

Stylecraze Says Arginine deficiency is rare and almost always accompanied by other signs of malnutrition or low health status, including increased stress levels, high ammonia production, and enzyme deficiencies.

14. May Enhance Exercise Performance


In a study, eight weeks of oral l-arginine administration (3 g) to 20 male subjects on an exercise program caused a significant increase in muscle strength and muscle mass (16).

In rat studies, treadmill exercise, along with l-arginine supplementation, was found to delay aging by suppressing oxidative stress and inflammation (39).

15. May Improve Hair Growth

Anecdotal evidence suggests that l-arginine may help improve hair growth. This amino acid may relax blood vessels and improve blood flow to the scalp and the base of hair follicles. However, research is limited in this regard.

These are the benefits of l-arginine. In the following section, we will look at its ideal dosage.

Recommended Dosage Of L-Arginine

Just like several other supplements and nutrients, the dose of l-arginine is highly dependent on the age, gender, and the condition of the user. Doses of 3–8 g/day appear to be safe in humans (40). Here are the recommended doses for a few cases:

Cardiovascular disease – 3 to 6 grams, divided into two parts (mornings and evenings) (41)

Erectile dysfunction – 3 to 6 grams, divided into two parts (mornings and evenings) (42)

Exercise performance – 5 to 9 grams, once a day (43)

L-arginine may also cause side effects in some cases. We will explore more in the following section.

What Are The Side Effects Of L-Arginine?

Excess intake of l-arginine may lead to side effects ( these are rare and mostly dose-dependent). These include unstable blood pressure, aggravated diabetes symptoms, allergies, abdominal pain and bloating, chemical imbalances in the blood, or an increased risk of bleeding in pregnant women.

Nausea and diarrhea have been reported infrequently at higher doses ranging from 15 to 30 g per day (16). Intake of l-arginine in normal food amounts seems to be safe, and no side effects have been reported in this regard. However, lactating and pregnant women should avoid the use of l-arginine.


For a certain group of individuals, l-arginine may pose a serious risk. L-arginine may lead to an increased risk of death after a heart attack. It also may make blood pressure control during surgeries more difficult. The amino acid may cause serious illness to infants and children and may also show negative interactions with certain medications meant for blood pressure control. However, the intake of L-arginine in limited doses appears to be safe. Concrete research is limited in this area. Consult your doctor.

Foods High In L-Arginine


This amino acid can easily be found in a number of food sources like nuts and fish. The rich food sources of l-arginine include:

  • Eggs
  • Dairy products like yogurt, kefir, and cheese
  • Beef
  • Turkey
  • Chicken
  • Beef and chicken liver
  • Wild-caught fish (they also provide you with essential omega-3 fatty acids that are great for heart health)
  • Coconut
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sesame seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Seaweed
  • Sea vegetables
  • Walnuts
  • Almonds

Infographic: Tips To Keep In Mind While Using L-Arginine

L-arginine is an essential amino acid that helps in managing diabetes, boosting your immune system, and improving hair growth. L-arginine can be taken via food sources or supplements prescribed by your doctor. We have compiled a list of tips to keep in mind while using L-arginine. Check out the infographic below to know more.

L-Arginine benefits go beyond its vital functioning as a synthesizing protein. It not only helps form the building blocks of our body but is also key to maintaining your vitals. It helps improve cardiac and digestive conditions while boosting your overall immunity and aiding in weight loss as well. Eggs, nuts, seeds, and grains are a few of the arginine-rich food options that can help you get better health and immunity. While it is a vital protein, it is also important not to overdo it to avoid any potential side effects.

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