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6 Power Foods That Boost Dopamine Levels

Dopamine is a feel-good hormone that plays a key role in your brain health. It acts as a neurotransmitter (a chemical released by neurons to send signals to other nerve cells). Certain foods can enhance dopamine levels, and the intake of dopamine foods benefits your health in many ways. What is the science behind dopamine? What foods should you include in your diet? This article explores the foods that enhance dopamine levels, the side effects of dopamine excess consumption, and problems you may face with dopamine deficiency. Keep reading.

StyleCraze Trivia

Dopamine is the most commonly used stimulant drug to get a pulse in cardiac arrest or slow heart rate conditions.

In This Article

What Role Does Dopamine Play?


Dopamine is released by the dopaminergic neurons located in the midbrain. These neurons, though few in number, play an important role in mood, addiction, reward, and stress (1).

Dopamine also plays a role in learning, working memory, motivation, and decision-making. It controls movement too – and its deficiency may be one of the causes of Parkinson’s disease, schizophreniaXA chronic mental disorder that impairs a person’s ability to think, feel, and behave and may result in delusions and hallucinations. , and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (2).

The anticipation of a reward increases brain dopamine levels. Many addictive drugs also increase its release from the neurons. This is one reason most addicts have a hard time quitting drugs.

Hence, dopamine plays a critical function in brain health. But how can you increase dopamine levels naturally? Well, the best way is to eat foods that boost dopamine levels.

Stylecraze Says Dopamine is made in the brain in a 2-step process. First, the amino acid tyrosine is converted to L-dopa, which is further converted to dopamine.

Which Foods Boost Dopamine Levels?

1. Dairy Products


These include everyday foods like cheese, milk, and yogurt. Cheese contains tyramineXA naturally occurring amino acid that aids in blood pressure control and is found in foods like salami and some cheeses. , which is converted into dopamine in the human body (3). Foods containing probiotics, like yogurt, also boost dopamine levels (4).

Related: 11 Greek Yogurt Benefits, Nutrition Profile, & How To Make It

2. Nuts

Nuts rich in vitamin B6 help as this vitamin helps your brain produce dopamine (5). Walnuts and hazelnuts are good sources of vitamin B6. Walnuts also contain DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid, which is responsible for the modulation of dopamine concentrations (6). Walnuts and almonds are good sources of folate, which also helps produce dopamine (7).

3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids


In rat studies, omega-3 fatty acids were found to normalize dopamine levels and reduce the development of anxiety-like behaviors (8).

In another study, oral fish oil treatment was found to restore dopamine release after traumatic brain injury (9).

Foods rich in omega-3 include fatty fish, such as salmon and tuna, and other foods, such as walnuts and chia seeds.

Related: 21 Health Benefits Of Fish Oil Capsules And Why They Work

4. Dark Chocolate

Studies show that chocolate may interact with a number of neurotransmitters, including dopamine. Dopamine is released after eating dark chocolate and imparts a pleasurable sensory experience (10).

5. Fruits And Vegetables


In a study, rats supplemented with strawberry and spinach showed a significant enhancement in dopamine release. The study suggests that in addition to the antioxidants, the other nutrients in fruits and veggies may also contribute to dopamine release (11).

Even bananas were found to have high levels of dopamine – more so in the peel and pulp. Avocados and velvet beans also contain dopamine. Other fruits and veggies containing dopamine include oranges, apples, peas, tomatoes, and aubergines (12).

6. Coffee

Like most other wake-promoting drugs, the caffeine in coffee enhances dopamine signaling in the brain (13). Caffeine’s main targets in the brain are the adenosine (a brain chemical that dampens brain activity) receptors. It works on these receptors and sets off a chain of events, which eventually affects dopamine levels and lights up the areas of the brain associated with pleasure and thinking (14).

These are the top foods that can boost your dopamine levels. But hold on – is there anything like too much dopamine?

Related: 6 Powerful Ways Green Coffee Beans Can Benefit Your Health

What Are The Effects Of Excess Dopamine?


Excess dopamine levels in the system can lead to paranoia and withdrawal from social situations. They can even lead to overly intense and impulsive behaviors.

Dopamine also plays a role in inhibiting prolactin (a hormone) secretion by the pituitary gland – which may otherwise cause menstrual disorders and infertility (15). Excess dopamine may not be able to effectively inhibit prolactin, leading to these issues.

But worry not – dopamine overdose is likely to happen only if you take the hormone intravenously (which is often the case with individuals who are deficient in dopamine).

The normal dopamine ranges are 0 to 30 pg/mL (picograms per milliliter).

What if your dopamine levels go below these ranges? Well, that causes problems too.

What Are The Effects Of Dopamine Deficiency?

Dopamine deficiency is linked to certain mental disorders, though they are not found to cause the condition directly. Some of these mental disorders include Parkinson’s diseaseXA condition that worsens with time and affects both the neurological system and different body parts, affecting movement. , depression, schizophrenia, and psychosisXMental disorders (like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder) where people lose the sense of reality. .

Following are the symptoms of dopamine deficiency: (16)

Physical Issues Personality Issues Memory Issues Attention Issues

Balance problems

Blood sugar instability

Bone density loss

Carbohydrate binges

Digestive problems

Food cravings

High blood pressure

Kidney problems

Low sex drive

Muscle cramps or tremors


Thyroid disorders

Trouble swallowing





Inability to handle stress

Isolating oneself

Mood swings


Self-destructive thoughts


Failure to listen and follow instructions


Poor abstract thinking

Slow processing speed

Attention deficit disorder

Decreased alertness


Impulse behavior

Poor concentration

Dopamine is a feel-good hormone that acts as a neurotransmitter. It plays a key role in brain functioning. You can increase dopamine levels naturally by consuming foods rich in the hormone. These foods include dairy products, nuts, omega-3 fats, dark chocolate, fruits and vegetables, and coffee. However, excess dopamine levels may lead to overly intense and impulsive behaviors. Hence, consume it in the recommended dosage levels to avoid adverse reactions.

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